Linguistics Epiphanies from the NYT Crossword.

  • Just can’t keep quiet on this one.

    This is a clue I encountered while doing a Friday puzzle, and it was a difficult one because it had a seemingly infinite number of possible answers. Potential contenders in my brain were I must say, I have to tell you, and let me tell you, but the true answer was I gotta say. For…

  • Build Up

    I’m writing this week’s post after staring at a Friday crossword in frustration for 30 minutes. I’m currently on a four-day streak, which might be the longest streak I’ve ever maintained. Granted, it’s only a Monday-Thursday streak, but I was feeling confident about possibly getting through the weekend. Alas, this one might have me beat.…

  • Question Marks and Crosswords

    Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the use of the “?” symbol in New York Times crosswords. If you’re a frequent puzzler, you’re probably aware of this symbol’s function. It alerts you to the fact that the answer to a clue is some kind of play on words. Since question marks…

  • Beginning and End for Alexa?

    I wait in vain for the day when my obscure knowledge of linguistics will be helpful for crossword solving. If only there were clues like phenomenon whereby all vowels in a word agree in place of articulation (vowel harmony) or type of sound made by obstructing airflow at the lips (bilabial stop). I happen to think…